With extensive data preparation knowledge, we can tackle the next big part of the course: algorithms. An algorithm is a
a set of mathematical instructions or rules that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a problem.
In data science/machine learning, algorithms are used to solve problems, such as modelling data to make predictions for unseen data, or clustering data to find patterns.
The consecutive chapters will introduce you to common algorithms, like linear and logistic regression, decision trees, and k-means clustering. We will explore the theory as well as practical examples. First, we establish two main concepts in machine learning: supervised and unsupervised learning.
Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is a type of machine learning where algorithms learn from labeled training data to make predictions on new, unseen data. The term "supervised" comes from the idea that the algorithm is guided by a "supervisor" (the labeled data) that provides the correct answers during training.
In supervised learning, each training example consists of:
- Input features (\(X\)): The characteristics or attributes we use to make predictions
- Target variable (\(y\)): The correct output we want to predict
The algorithm learns the relationship between inputs (\(X\)) and outputs (\(y\)), creating a model that can then (hopefully!) generalize to new data.
Assume we want to predict apartment prices (\(y\)) based on their size plus the number of rooms (\(X\)):
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
# apartment data [m², rooms]
X = [
[75, 3],
[120, 4],
[50, 2],
# apartment prices
y = [500_000, 675_000, 425_000] # (1)!
# use linear regression to predict apartment prices
model = LinearRegression(), y)
# predict price for a new apartment with 150m² and 5 rooms
new_apartment = [[150, 5]]
predicted_price = model.predict(new_apartment)
- Underscores can be used as visual separators in numeric literals
to improve readability. They have no effect on the value of the number. For
is the same as500000
For each new observation, we can use the trained model to predict the price.
The apartment with 150m² and 5 rooms has a predicted price of 775000
Whether this estimate is actually close to reality depends on the quality of the model and its underlying data. Later, we will discuss how to measure a model's quality.
Classification vs. Regression
Supervised learning encapsulates both classification and regression tasks.
graph LR
A[Supervised Learning] --> B[Classification];
A --> C[Regression];
Classification problems involve predicting discrete categories or labels. The output is always one of a fixed set of classes. For instance, in binary classification, the model decides between two possibilities.
For example, the Portuguese retail bank data can be used to predict whether a customer would subscribe to a term deposit. The target variable is binary: yes or no.
On the other hand, multiclass classification handles three or more categories (like classifying animals in photos dog, cat, dolphin, tiger, elephant, etc.).
Regression problems, on the other hand, predict continuous numerical values. Instead of categorizing inputs into classes, regression models estimate a numerical value along a continuous spectrum. These models work by finding patterns in the data to estimate a mathematical function that best describes the relationship between inputs and the target variable.
For instance the example, predicting the price of an apartment based on its size and the number of rooms is a regression task.
Predicting a categorical target variable:
- Spam or not spam
- Fraudulent or legitimate transaction
- Medical diagnosis (disease or no disease)
- Sentiment analysis of text (positive, negative, neutral)
- Image classification (cat, dog, dolphin, etc.)
- ...
Predicting a continuous target variable:
- Apartment prices (like in the example above)
- Temperature
- Sales revenue
- ...
No matter if you're dealing with a classification or regression task, the key to successful supervised learning lies in having high-quality labeled data and selecting appropriate features (variables) that have predictive power for the target variable.
Unsupervised Learning
Contrary, unsupervised learning deals with unlabeled data to discover hidden patterns and structures. Unlike supervised learning, there is no "supervisor" providing correct answers - the algorithm must find meaningful patterns on its own.
In unsupervised learning, we solely have:
- Input features (\(X\)): The characteristics or attributes of the data
The algorithm's task is to find groupings, reduce complexity, or reveal underlying structures in the data.
Let's say we want to segment customers based on their shopping behavior:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
# customer data [annual_spending, avg_basket_size]
X = [
[1200, 50],
[5000, 150],
[800, 30],
[4500, 140],
[1000, 45]
# use k-means to find customer segments
model = KMeans(n_clusters=2)
segments = model.fit_predict(X)
The variable segments
contains the cluster assignments for each customer.
The cluster assignment is simply an int
indicating which group the
customer belongs to. In this example, we have two clusters with the first
customer ([1200, 50]
) belonging to cluster 1 and the second
customer ([5000, 150]
) to cluster 0 and so on.
The following plot visualizes the input data as scatter plot colored by the cluster assignments:
The algorithm will group similar customers together without being told what these groups should be - it discovers the patterns from the attributes itself.
Clustering & Dimensionality Reduction
Unsupervised learning can be further divided into two main categories:
graph LR
A[Unsupervised Learning] --> B[Clustering];
A --> C[Dimensionality Reduction];
Clustering algorithms group similar data points together based on their features. The goal is to find cluster/groups in the data without any prior knowledge of the groups just like in the previous customer segmentation example.
Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality reduction techniques aim to reduce the number of input features while preserving the most important information. This can help to simplify complex data, speed up algorithms, and improve model performance.
Clustering/grouping of similar data points:
- Customer segmentation in marketing (like in the example above)
- Anomaly detection
- Finding similar products in recommendations
- ...
Dimensionality Reduction
Reducing the complexity of data:
- Feature extraction from high-dimensional data
- Visualization of complex datasets
- Noise reduction in signals
- ...
While unsupervised learning offers powerful ways to explore and understand data, its results can be harder to evaluate since there are no "correct" answers to compare against. The value of the results often depends on how meaningful the discovered patterns are for the specific application.
Domain knowledge
No matter if you're dealing with supervised or unsupervised learning, domain knowledge is crucial. Understanding the data and the problem you're trying to solve will help you select the right algorithms, features, and interpret the results.
In this chapter, we introduced two fundamental concepts in machine learning: supervised and unsupervised learning. While supervised learning works with labeled data to make predictions, unsupervised learning is used with unlabeled data to reduce complexity or find clusters.
The following chapters will explore specific algorithms from both categories:
Supervised Learning:
graph LR
A[Supervised Learning] --> B[Regression: *Linear Regression*];
A --> C[Classification: *Logistic Regression*];
C --> D[*Decision Tree, Random Forest, Neural Network*];
B --> D;
- Logistic Regression for classification tasks
- Linear Regression for predicting continuous values
- Decision Tree, Random Forest and Neural Network for both regression and classification tasks
Unsupervised Learning:
graph LR
A[Unsupervised Learning] --> B[Clustering: *k-means*];
A --> C[Dimensionality Reduction: *Principal Component Analysis*];
- k-means for clustering similar data points
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction
We will cover the theory and illustrate each algorithm with a practical example.