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Running the Code

This chapter serves as an introduction to the topic of computer vision. We'll explore various tasks, demonstrating their use with code snippets. Even though this is just an introductory chapter and you might not grasp all the details yet, we encourage you to run the code on your own computer.

To follow along, we recommend setting up a new project folder with a Jupyter notebook. Additionally, create a new virtual environment and activate it. Install the required packages:

pip install ultralytics opencv-python pytesseract face-recognition

Your project structure should look like this:

📁 computer_vision/
├── 📁 .venv/
├── 📄 input.jpg
└── 📄 cv_intro.ipynb

Computer Vision is a field of artificial intelligence that enables machines to interpret and understand the visual world. By using digital images from cameras and videos along with deep learning models, machines can accurately identify and classify objects - and then react to what they "see."

In this introduction, we'll delve into the basics of computer vision, its challenges, and how it's interconnected with other fields. Let's embark on this visual journey together!

What Is Computer Vision?

Before diving into computer vision, let's briefly touch upon artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a broad field aiming to create systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. As one of the pioneers of AI, John McCarthy, described it:

"An attempt will be made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves."

-- John McCarthy

Artificial Intelligence is a multidisciplinary field divided into several subfields, each contributing to simulating intelligent behavior in machines. These include:

  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Robotics
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision

These subfields are interconnected; advancements in one often benefit the others. For instance, computer vision is essential in robotics for environment perception and in natural language processing for image captioning.

But now we still want to know: What is computer vision exactly?

At its core, computer vision seeks to automate tasks that the human visual system can do. It involves techniques for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding images to produce numerical or symbolic information.

Biological Vision (Source: Ai Miquel Perello Nieto on Wikipedia)
Interesting Fact

Did you know, that over 50% of the processing in the human brain is devoted directly or indirectly to visual information (Source: MIT News)

In other words, computer vision transforms visual data into meaningful information. Now, let's explore some typical computer vision tasks and see how they come to life through examples you can try yourself!

Typical Computer Vision Tasks


Assigning objects within an image to predefined categories or classes.

Example: Classification
  • Input


  • Output

    >>> Output
    1 person, 1 dog
from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model
model = YOLO("")  # load an official model

# Predict with the model
results = model("dog.jpg")  # predict on an image


Determining the exact location of an object within an image.


Identifying and locating multiple objects within an image, effectively combining classification and localization.

Example: Detection
  • Input


  • Output


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model
model = YOLO("")  # load an official model

# Predict with the model
results = model("dog.jpg", save=True)  # predict on an image
results[0].show()  # display the image


Precisely delineating the pixels that belong to an object, separating it from the background.

Example: Segmentation
  • Input


  • Output


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model
model = YOLO("")  # load an official model

# Predict with the model
results = model("dog.jpg", save=True)  # predict on an image
results[0].show()  # display the image


Monitoring the movement of objects over time in videos or live streams, analyzing factors like velocity and relative position.

Example: Tracking
  • Input


  • Output


from collections import defaultdict
import cv2
import numpy as np

from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load the YOLO11 model
model = YOLO("")

# Open the video file
video_path = "street2.mp4"
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)

# Store the track history
track_history = defaultdict(lambda: [])

video = cv2.VideoWriter("output.mp4", 0, 25, (960,540))

# Loop through the video frames
while cap.isOpened():
    # Read a frame from the video
    success, frame =

    if success:
        # Run YOLO11 tracking on the frame, persisting tracks between frames
        results = model.track(frame, persist=True, classes=[2])

        # Get the boxes and track IDs
        boxes = results[0].boxes.xywh.cpu()
        track_ids = results[0]

        # Visualize the results on the frame
        annotated_frame = results[0].plot()

        # Plot the tracks
        for box, track_id in zip(boxes, track_ids):
            x, y, w, h = box
            track = track_history[track_id]
            track.append((float(x), float(y)))  # x, y center point
            if len(track) > 30:  # retain 90 tracks for 90 frames

            # Draw the tracking lines
            points = np.hstack(track).astype(np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))
            cv2.polylines(annotated_frame, [points], isClosed=False, color=(230, 230, 230), thickness=10)

        # Display the annotated frame
        cv2.imshow("YOLO11 Tracking", annotated_frame)
        # Break the loop if 'q' is pressed
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):
        # Break the loop if the end of the video is reached

# Release the video capture object and close the display window

Optical Character Recognition

Recognizing and extracting printed or handwritten text from images, enabling machines to read and process written information.

Example: OCR
  • Input


  • Output

    >>> Output
    LAN DOR.
    (1775 —1794.)
    Few men have ever impressed their peers so much, or the
    general public so little, as Watrer Savage Lanpor. Of
    all celebrated authors, he has hitherto been one of the
    least popular. Nevertheless he is among the most strik-
    ing figures in the history of English literature ; striking
    alike by his character and his powers. Personally, Landor
    exercised the spell of genius upon every one who came
    near him. His gifts, attainments, impetuosities, his
    originality, his force, his charm, were all of the same
    conspicuous and imposing kind. Not to know what is
    to be known of so remarkable a man is evidently to be a
    loser. Not to be familiar with the works of so noble
# Need to install tesseract on your PC
from PIL import Image
import pytesseract


Facial Recognition

Identifying individuals based on their facial features and recognizing various facial expressions.

Example: Facial Recognition
  • Input


  • Output


(Source: Library of Congress on Unsplash)

# You need to install cmake on your PC first

import face_recognition
import cv2
import numpy as np

# Load a sample picture and learn how to recognize it.
obama_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("obama.jpg")
obama_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(obama_image)[0]

# Load a sample picture and learn how to recognize it.
trump_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("trump.jpg")
trump_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(trump_image)[0]

# Load a second sample picture and learn how to recognize it.
biden_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("biden.jpg")
biden_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(biden_image)[0]

# Create arrays of known face encodings and their names
known_face_encodings = [
known_face_names = [
    "Barack Obama",
    "Donald Trump",
    "Joe Biden"

# Initialize some variables
face_locations = []
face_encodings = []
face_names = []
process_this_frame = True

rgb_small_frame = face_recognition.load_image_file("trump2.jpg")

face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb_small_frame)
face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb_small_frame, face_locations)

face_names = []
for face_encoding in face_encodings:
    # See if the face is a match for the known face(s)
    matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
    name = "Unknown"

    # Or instead, use the known face with the smallest distance to the new face
    face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
    best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)
    if matches[best_match_index]:
        name = known_face_names[best_match_index]


# Display the results
for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(face_locations, face_names):

    # Draw a box around the face
    cv2.rectangle(rgb_small_frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2)

    # Draw a label with a name below the face
    cv2.rectangle(rgb_small_frame, (left, bottom - 35), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
    font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
    cv2.putText(rgb_small_frame, name, (left + 6, bottom - 6), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 1)

# Display the resulting image
cv2.imshow('Video', cv2.cvtColor(rgb_small_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
cv2.imwrite('trump_out.jpg', cv2.cvtColor(rgb_small_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

Pose Estimation

Determining the position and orientation of an object or person relative to a reference point or coordinate system.

Example: Pose Estimation
  • Input


  • Output


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model
model = YOLO("")  # load an official model

# Predict with the model
results = model("dog.jpg", save=True)  # predict on an image
results[0].show()  # display the image

These tasks represent the core of computer vision, each contributing to its wide-ranging real-world applications. From enabling machines to read and understand handwritten documents to enhancing interactive gaming experiences through accurate motion tracking, the advancements in computer vision are transforming industries and everyday life.

And: as you can see, they're not just theoretical concepts - you can try them out yourself !


Computer vision has a wide range of applications across various industries.

Possible Applications for Computer Vision

Robots use computer vision to navigate and interact with their environment.


Self-driving cars rely heavily on computer vision to perceive the road and make driving decisions.

Autonomous Vehicles

Computer vision aids in medical imaging for diagnostics and treatment planning.

(Source: Newe A, Ganslandt T on Wikipedia)

Automated inspection systems detect defects in manufacturing processes.

(Source: elunic)

Augmented reality shopping experiences enhance customer engagement.

(Source: SNAP INC via Forbes)

Used for security and authentication purposes.

(Source: Sylenius on Wikipedia)

How can Machines "See"? 👀

When we look at the world, our eyes receive light reflected from objects. Similarly, cameras capture light to create images.

Camera sensor prinicpal (Source: Neg)

However, interpreting these images to understand the scene involves complex algorithms that can discern patterns, shapes, and colors. This process involves several steps:

  1. Image Acquisition: Capturing the visual data using cameras or sensors.
  2. Preprocessing: Enhancing image quality and correcting distortions.
  3. Feature Extraction: Identifying edges, textures, and other significant parts of the image.
  4. High-Level Processing: Recognizing objects, understanding scenes, and making decisions.

Challenges in Computer Vision

Despite the advancements, computer vision faces several challenges. Let's explore them.

  • Inverse Problem

    One of the fundamental challenges in computer vision is the inverse problem: Reconstructing a 3D scene from a 2D image is challenging because multiple 3D scenes can produce the same 2D projection.

  • (Source: mosso on Wikipedia)

  • (Source: Palazzi et al at

  • Variability Due to Viewpoint

    An object can look vastly different from various angles. For example, a car viewed from the front, side, or top presents different shapes and features, complicating recognition tasks.

  • Deformation

    Non-rigid objects, like clothing or human bodies, can change shape, making it challenging to maintain consistent recognition.

  • Image title

  • Image title

  • Occlusion

    Objects in images often block parts of other objects. Detecting partially visible objects requires algorithms to infer the hidden parts.

  • Illumination

    Lighting conditions can alter the appearance of objects. An apple under bright sunlight looks different from one under indoor lighting.

  • (Source: Flocutus)

  • (Source: Osi on Wikipedia)

  • Motion Blur

    Movement during image capture can blur images, obscuring details necessary for recognition.

  • Optical Illusions

    Our perception can be deceived by optical illusions, where our brain interprets images differently from the actual measurements.

  • (Source: Nizar Massouh on ResearchGate)

  • Intra Class Variation

    Objects within the same category can look very different.Chairs come in numerous designs—armchairs, stools, recliners—but they all serve the same function. Recognizing all variations as "chairs" is challenging for computer vision systems.

  • Number of Categories

    There are thousands of object categories, each with its own variations. Building systems that can recognize all of them requires extensive data and sophisticated algorithms.

  • (Source: Cees Snoek on ResearchGate)

By understanding these challenges, you're better equipped to appreciate the complexities involved in teaching machines to see.

Congratulations! You've taken your first steps into the world of computer vision. Feel free to experiment with the code examples provided and explore further. In the next chapters, we'll delve deeper into specific algorithms and techniques.

See you in the next chapter! 👋